Jean Fallago


Jean Fallago, JD, LLM is a broker, appraiser, attorney, author, speaker and frequent lecturer at dental schools and meetings with more than 30 years of experience in the area of dental practice transitions. Her speaking engagements include Boston University Goldman School of Dentistry, UCON, Harvard, Yankee Dental Congress, Connecticut Dental Association and more. Jean began her legal career at Price Coopers Waterhouse as a tax attorney and served in the esteemed position of Probate Court Judge. Jean is a graduate of Bryant College with a bachelor’s in finance and insurance, holds a real estate license, a JD degree (Cum Laude) from Suffolk Law School and a Master’s in Tax Law from Boston University Graduate Law School. She has assisted in more than 2,000 practice transitions.

"Everything You Need to Know About Practice Transitions for the Seller, Partner or Buyer"
Wednesday, May 14 / 5:00 pm–7:00 pm